Thursday, October 7, 2010

Novice Video

Notice in this video the novice has incorrect hand placement on the ball. He does not make the L along the seam off the ball he just puts all of his fingers across the laces. He does not bring the ball high up towards his ear, and upon release he does not shift his weight to his back foot and follow through with his pivot foot, nor does he flick his wrist to create a spiral.

Expert Video

The L is created with the index and thumb along the seam off the ball. The ball is then brought up high to the ear of the dominate hand. From the there the weight is shifted from the back foot through the front foot as the ball is released high with the body square and the left foot pointing to the intended target. The flick of the wrist with the thumb pointing down towards the opposite hip creates a nice spiral on the ball.

Phase 4- Release and Follow Through

Upon release, one wants to flick the wrist with the thumb facing down and the hand his in a supinated position towards the opposite hip. Doing this will create a nice tight spiral.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Phase 3 - Weight Shift and High Release

When throwing a football you want to shift your weight from your back foot through your front foot. Keep your eyes on the target, your parallel to the intended target and your pivot foot pointing at the target you intend to throw to. You want to have a nice high release, the further you extend your arm from your shoulder, the more velocity you can achieve with less arm speed. On your release your center of gravity is going to shift from your back foot to your front foot.

Phase 2- Keep the Ball Up High

Hold the ball up near your right ear if you're right-handed, or left ear if you're left-handed. You will have a much quicker release, which will give a defender less time to react to your throw.

Phase 1 - Finger Alignment and Positioning

Try having a very light grip, as gripping too hard will cause decreased ball control and can affect the release. Grip the football on the under belly with your index finger on the ball seam making an L shape with your index finger and thumb, but if you cant do it, get as close as possible. Your pinky and ring finger should be across the laces of the ball.